FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

FAO Forestry team arrives in Tehran


In response to an official request from the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, a team of forestry officers and international experts from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) arrived in Tehran yesterday, within the framework of an emergency project on the Oak and Buxus dieback phenomena in Zagros and Caspian forests. The FAO mission, together with national experts, is expected to conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop technical recommendations for immediate forest management and silviculture operations in Zagros and Caspian forest areas.

The project will be undertaken with direct support of the FAO Representation in Iran and collaboration of the Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization (FRWO).

During the next 10 days, the FAO team of international and national experts will travel to different provinces in Zagros and Caspian areas to review the actions undertaken and results obtained in the field so far by FRWO and Research Institutes on the Oak dieback in Zagros forests and Buxus dieback in Caspian forests, and to undertake a field survey for the delineation and mapping of the infected areas.

Short and medium term integrated actions as recommended by the assessment team, will be implemented as part of a full-fledged project in due course.