FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran’s Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture celebrated World Food Day


On 20th October Iran’s Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture celebrated World Food Day supported by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Special Advisor to the Agriculture Minister delivered a message on behalf of H.E. Mr. Hojjati, Agriculture Minister in which he was elaborating on driving forces for food insecurity across the Globe. He was also addressing some characteristics of the sustainable food systems such as resilience to food price fluctuations, efficiency and cost effectiveness, sustainable income flows and environmental sustainability.  “Ensuring food security is one of the main and fundamental policies of Islamic Republic of Iran for which producing enough food, accessing safe and nutritious food and conserving the environment are three main areas of concern” Dr. Shariatmadar quoted H.E the Minister. Dr. Noureddin Mona, FAO Representative in Islamic Republic of IranDr. Noureddin Mona, FAO Representative in Islamic Republic of Iran also delivered a speech on this occasion.  He congratulated the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran for joining the rest of the world in celebrating the World Food Day which was established first by FAO in 1979 and told audiences that the date chosen - 16 October - is the anniversary of FAO's founding in 1945.

Dr. Mona offered facts and figures to show the status of food insecurity in the Region and beyond while he added: “the concept of sustainability of food systems must be always taken into account in policy planning, setting regulations and agricultural practices to avoid any adverse impact of degraded food systems on the health and nutrition of people.  This is really what is meant by the slogan of the World Food Day this year: “Healthy People Depend on Healthy Food Systems”. Dr. Mona also briefly put forward FAO activities in Islamic Republic of Iran adding that all endeavors pursue achievement of the FAO’s Strategic Objectives and CPF priority areas. He valued partnership building with private sector, NGOs and academia and welcomed expansion of cooperation with the Government of Islamic Republic of Iran. He thanked the Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture for organizing the event at the end. UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Iran, Mr. Gary Lewis Mr. Gary Lewis, UN Resident Coordinator in Islamic Republic of Iran also spoke at the event elaborating on the importance of food security as one of the most important dimensions of security of the nations in the modern world. Deputy to the Health Minister and Deputy Head of Iran’s Veterinary Organization were other two speakers at the event.

World Food Day was established at FAO's 20th General Conference in November 1979 and FAO supports every year its celebration in Iran like other FAO Member States. The official theme for this year World Food Day was “Sustainable Food Systems for Food Security and Nutrition.