FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

FAO participated in the 20th anniversary of the Mountain Environment Protection Society


On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the Mountain Environment Protection Society (MEPS), coinciding with the International Mountain Day 2013 (IMD), a one day session was organized by the MEPS on December 16th, at National Olympic Academy Conference Hall, Enghelab Sport Complex in Tehran. FAOR was also invited, participated and delivered a speech on behalf of FAO. 

The session was held in collaboration with the Department of Environment (DOE), Faculty of Environment (University of Tehran), Forest, Range and Watershed Organization, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and FAO office in Iran, with the key theme of highlighting the need for creation of mountain legal structures and promotion of governmental capacities concerning sustainable mountain development in Iran.

The session was commenced by Mr. Ashtari, Managing Director of MEPS, welcoming the participants, and continued by presentations and speeches of other participants, including Dr. Noureddin Mona, FAOR of Iran.

Other major speakers were as follows:  

  • Dr. Keykha, Deputy Director, Natural Environment and Biodiversity, Department of Environment

  • Dr. Balasubramaniam Murali, Deputy Resident Representative UNDP in Iran

  • Prof. Bruno Messerli from Bern University, Switzerland