FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

The newly appointed FAO Representative presented his credentials to Iran Foreign Minister


The recently appointed FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Serge Nakouzi, presented his credentials to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday 6 September 2014, and officially commenced his assignment.

Referring to the role of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in equipping and developing the agriculture, forestry, fisheries, environment and water management, Mr. Zarif hailed expansion of FAOˈs collaboration with Iran in different areas.

Water management is one of the main regional and global issues, he said, noting that Iran is ready to strengthen cooperation, participate in regional activities and exchange the technical information with FAO in its mandated areas.

In this meeting, Mr. Nakouzi asked for the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran to FAO's programmes and initiations. Referring to the records of cooperation between Iran and FAO, the FAO Representative stated that he would look forward to the pioneer role that Tehran could play in defining FAO's policy at a macro level bilaterally as well as globally.