FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

News and Articles

سازمان خوار بار و کشاورزی ملل متحد (فائو)، قنات در ایران را بطور رسمی در فهرست میراث جهانی کشاورزی قرار داد. ثبت قنات ایران به عنوان میراث جهانی کشاورزی به دنبال یک کار منسجم وعلمی توسط یک کمیته تخصصی متشکل از...
The FAO Representation Office Team had a field mission to Jaban village located in Damavand city on 29 January 2014 to visit the IPM group including farmers and facilitators, MOJA Staff and other stakeholders who are working closely with the...
On the occasion of 20th anniversary of the Mountain Environment Protection Society (MEPS), coinciding with the International Mountain Day 2013 (IMD), a one day session was organized by the MEPS on December 16th, at National Olympic Academy Conference Hall, Enghelab Sport...
On 20th October Iran’s Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture celebrated World Food Day supported by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Special Advisor to the Agriculture Minister delivered a message on behalf of H.E. Mr. Hojjati, Agriculture Minister...
Dr. Mona, FAO Representative in the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of FAO Assistant Director General for the Regional Office for the Near East (RNE) and Professor Jafari, Head of University of Tehran, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources...
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