FAO in the Islamic Republic of Iran

News and Articles

The Plant Protection Organization of the Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture, in partnership with the Department of Environment, The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) held a two-day Conference on Montreal Protocol and Substitutions for Methyl Bromide during 22...
An inter-regional Technical Cooperation Program (TCP) project was countersigned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Iran Veterinary Organization (IVO) to reduce and manage the risk of Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) in shrimp farms. The project...
The recently appointed FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Serge Nakouzi, presented his credentials to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday 6 September 2014, and officially commenced his assignment. Referring to the role...
آقای سرج ناکوزی، نماینده جدید فائو در جمهوری اسلامی ایران روز شنبه پانزدهم شهریور ماه با محمد جواد ظریف وزیر امور خارجه ایران دیدار و اعتبارنامه خود را تقدیم وی کرد. ظریف در این دیدار با اشاره به اهمیت نقش سازمان...
Having visited the agriculture potentials of the Alborz province, The FAO Representative to the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Serge Nakouzi, and his team met with the officials from the Jihad-e-Agriculture Organization of Alborz Province as well as the experts...