FAO in Iraq
  Strengthening Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq’s Rural Communities (SRVALI)   Environmental and Social Management...
تعزيز القدرة على الصمود في مواجهة تغير  المناخ لسبل العيش الزراعية الضعيفة  في المجتمعات الريفية...
Vulnerable farming families in post-conflict areas in Iraq's Ninewa plains, west of Mosul, will be...
A recent assessment conducted by FAO and Non-governmental Organization partners Muslim Aid and REACH-Iraq in...

FAO aims to promote the achievement of National Development Plan goals focused on poverty reduction, food security, natural resource management and improved livelihoods for the poor and vulnerable. FAO also integrates gender equality, nutrition, climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, capacity development and governance into all interventions at all scales. FAO continues to support the Government as they reconstruct and rehabilitate the social, economic and environmental fabric of formerly ISIL-occupied areas in central and northern Iraq.

Three priority areas

    The Government of Iraq and FAO developed the Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2018 – 2022 to guide policies and programmes focused on three priority areas:

  1. Resilience and restoration of agricultural livelihoods in regained areas of Iraq
  2. Restoration of degraded agricultural land and higher productivity of water resources in agriculture
  3. Increased sustainable smallholder agricultural productivity for improved food security and nutrition