الصيد غير القانوني دون إبلاغ ودون تنظيم

Planning work for 2023 in support of global and regional processes

©FAO/PierPaolo Cito

Staff and Consultants of the Fisheries Global and Regional Processes Team and the Development Law Service of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), spread across the world, met at the FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy, last week.

The primary objective of the intensive week-long seminar was to plan and coordinate FAO’s work for 2023, in support of the implementation of international fisheries instruments, further development of global processes and strengthening regional mechanisms to contribute to the long term sustainability of fisheries resources in our oceans. Focus areas included combatting illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the requirements of developing States and working in partnership with other international organisations.

The participants included experts in fisheries science and management, international fisheries law, monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS), capacity development, information technology, data management, communications, project management, administration and finance.

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