Pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée (INDNR)
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Review of MCS systems and procedures in Guinea

© Eric Mostert / FAO

FAO has been conducting a thorough review of Guinea’s monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) systems and procedures over the last ten days, in order to assess their adequacy to meet the requirements of the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA) and complementary international instruments.

An international MCS Specialist has been analyzing existing MCS systems and procedures in-country in order to identify strengths and short-comings in Guinea’s ability to fulfill its flag, port, coastal and market State responsibilities.

The mission has included visits to Guinea’s Fisheries Monitoring Centre, the ports of Conakry and Kamsar, as well as numerous meetings with the country’s main agencies involved in the implementation of the PSMA, in order to identify among other things, how the country receives information from vessels prior to entry into port, how that information is processed and distributed, how inspection priority is determined, how inspections are conducted, and procedures for reporting and transmittal of information.

The mission output will consist of a report with key recommendations to the country on how to bridge any identified shortcomings, including highlighting any training needs.

Guinea annually receives into its ports over 500 foreign vessels that are involved in fishing activities. This technical support provided by FAO, and generously funded by Norway, aims to ensure Guinea is fully capacitated to effectively assess foreign vessels wishing to enter its ports, to identify when IUU fishing activities have taken place, and to refuse the entry and/or use of its ports to such vessels.