Pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (pesca INDNR)
La directora general de Ordenación Pesquera y Acuicultura, Aurora de Blas, ha destacado el papel de liderazgo que ejerce España en la labor de vigilancia y control pesquero, como uno de los pilares básicos para fomentar la sostenibilidad del sector...
Japanese | Various Article published in The Japan Agricultural News: 違法漁業防止寄港国措置協定(PSMA)についてアジア各国が協議 Article published in The Mainichi Shimbun: 違法漁業防止寄港国措置協定(PSMA)についてアジア各国が協議 Article published in The Sankei Shimbun: 違法漁業防止寄港国措置協定(PSMA)についてアジア各国が協議 Article published in PR times: 違法漁業防止寄港国措置協定(PSMA)についてアジア各国が協議 Article published in Biglobe News: 違法漁業防止寄港国措置協定(PSMA)についてアジア各国が協議
Portuguese | Various.  News feature aired on RTV: FAO e Governo engajados no acordo sobre medidas do Estado do Porto, enquanto ferramenta de combate à pesca ilegal News feature aired on Ràdio de Cabo Verde in Jornal da tarde Article published on InfoPress: São Vicente: Estratégia...
Arabic, French | Various.  The convening of the third Regional Coordination Meeting on the Agreement on Port State Measures (PSMA), for countries in Africa and the Near East, held in Morocco, was reported in various media.  The below are a selection of...
French | Guinéenews.  Dans le but de lutter contre la pêche Illicite, Non déclarée et Non réglementée (INDNR), la  FAO a organisé, ce vendredi 29 mars 2024, une formation des inspecteurs des pêches, à l’utilisation du Système Mondial d’Échange d’Informations au Centre...
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