

Global Record
The Global Record, released to the public on Monday 09 July 2018, can be part of the solution to bridge the information gap that surrounds many IUU fishing activities, including those related to the transshipment of fish products.  Alicia Mosteiro, Fishery...
Global Record
A third of the global eligible fleet has been registered on the Information System of the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels (Global Record) which was publicly released today. The Information System was released during a...
A Side Event, entitled "Developments in combatting IUU fishing", held on the first day of the thirty-third Session of the Committee of Fisheries (COFI), was well received by the approximately 120 delegates that attended.  The hour-long event was held at the...
A three-week competency-based International Fisheries Law Training Course is ongoing at the IMO International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI), Malta. This first edition of the Course, jointly developed by the FAO and IMLI, hosts officials of national administrations responsible for fisheries governance,...
The workshop on strengthening the implementation of the PSMA, complementary instruments and tools in Ghana, which took place in Accra from 4 to 8 June 2018, was a week of good cooperation, high levels of engagement and concentrated work on...