Report of the Expert Consultation on Voluntary Guidelines for Transshipment

This document contains the report of the Expert Consultation on Voluntary Guidelines for Transshipment that was held virtually from 11 to 15 October and reconvened on 3 November 2021 to adopt this report.
FAO has undertaken an in-depth global study on transshipment which confirmed that a lack of regulation, monitoring and control increases the risk of fish caught through illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing entering the seafood supply chain, undermining sustainable and socially responsible fisheries. The study was published in 2020 and a summary of the findings was presented to the Thirty-fourth Session of COFI in February 2021.
COFI welcomed the study and called upon FAO to proceed with developing draft voluntary guidelines for the regulation, monitoring and control of transshipment. It also called upon FAO to convene an Expert Consultation to review the preliminary draft to be prepared by the FAO Secretariat. On the basis of that initial draft, the Expert Consultation elaborated a draft of the voluntary guidelines for transshipment that will be submitted for consideration and review by a Technical Consultation on Voluntary Guidelines for Transshipment to be held from 7 to 11 March 2022.