Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing


2012 - FAO
Fishing all over the world is a major source of food for humanity and a provider of employment and economic benefits to those engaged in the activity. However, with increased knowledge and the dynamic development of fisheries, it should be...
2012 - FAO
This report has been compiled at the request of the IOC IRFS Programme (EDF 10) for an assessment of the current status of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing and trade on Lake Tanganyika, and the development of interventions that...
2012 - FAO
This document contains the report of the Informal Open-ended Technical Meeting to Review Draft Terms of Reference for the Ad Hoc Working Group Referred to in Paragraph 6 of Article 21 of the 2009 Agreement on Port State Measures to...
2011 - FAO
This paper addresses recent initiatives taken to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and related activities. These initiatives are based on the 2001 FAO International Plan of Action (IPOA-IUU) and relatd instruments including the 2009 FAO Agreement on Port...
Global Record
2011 - FAO
Report of the Technical Consultation to Identify a Structure and Strategy for the Development and Implementation of the Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels, held in Rome, 8–12 November 2010. Access the document here.