FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

The Bahamas welcomes a three year Food and Nutrition Security Policy


The Government of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas launched its Food and Nutrition Security Policy (FNSP) 2017-2020 in December 2017.

Through FAO's technical support, the Ministries of Health and Agriculture developed the policy which provides a short-term strategy to addressing the complex and inter-related issues impacting food and nutrition security in the country.  A multi-sectoral Food and Nutrition Security Coordinating Commission (FNSC) with representatives from the public and private sectors as well as Non-Governmental Organizations will be established in the coming year to support implementation of various activities.

During the launch, the Government expressed its strong commitment to reducing hunger and malnutrition as well as the prevalence of nutrition related non-communicable diseases, through the establishment of the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy (NFNSP).