FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

What can you do to help achieve #ZeroHunger?

Former FAO Intern Kerressa Scott pledging to help achieve #ZeroHunger ©FAO/Chrishane Williams

Our Call to Action- Let’s achieve Zero Hunger!

On October 16, we are celebrating World Food Day under the theme Our Actions are Our Future. A Zero Hunger world by 2030 is possible.

This is OUR call to action.

Whether you're a business, farmer, government representative or simply someone that's willing to make a change, you can take action for #ZeroHunger!

World Food Day is celebrated every year on October 16. This year, the theme for World Food Day is Our Actions are Our Future. What will you do this World Food Day to help achieve #ZeroHunger. 

Check out the World Food Day website for ideas!