FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

Belize holds Rural Youth Symposium to kick-start World Food Day celebrations

Students from Julian Cho Technical High School, Independence High School, University of Belize, ITVET and Toledo Community College visiting a Spice Farm

Ninety-two (92) students representing five (5) secondary and tertiary learning institutions in Southern Belize, today, took part in the 2nd Annual Rural Youth Symposium: Engaging Rural Youth on Agriculture. The students hailing from the Toledo Community College, Independence High School, Julian Cho Technical High School, University of Belize, Toledo; and the Institute for Technical Vocational Education and Training (ITVET).

The one-day event which was facilitated by the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration and with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) took place at the Julian Cho Technical High School Sporting Complex.

The symposium kicked off with a tour of the Spice Farm which is located along the Southern Highway in the village of Golden Stream, Toledo. The students got a first-hand opportunity to view the numerous home-grown and imported spices, fruit trees and hardwood species that are cultivated, harvested and processed at the facility and supports the agro-tourism services that this one of a kind tourist destination provide to its clients.

During the opening ceremonies, Minister of Agriculture, Honorable Senator Godwin Hulse addressed the students. In his address Minister Hulse reminded the students of the various career prospects that are available in the field of food and agriculture that exist for young people; opportunities in the area of Food Production, Food Processing and Food Preparation. The Minister urged the students to actively pursue these opportunities.

Other speakers at the session included the FAO’s Focal Point for Rural Youth from the Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Brazil, Mr. Pedro Boareto.  Representatives from the Ministry also spoke on the work of the Ministry and career opportunities that exist in Belize; these included Mr. Silverio Marin, Acting Director for the Belize Marketing and Development Corporation (BMDC); Mr. Endhir Sosa, Senior Food Safety Inspector for the Belize Agriculture and Health Authority (BAHA); and Mr. Gary Ramirez, National Coordinator for the Horticulture Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture.

The symposium also provided a space for the young participants to share their views on agriculture and the opportunities and challenges that they are facing on a daily basis in regards to their perspectives on career opportunities and life as they move onto to higher education, the world of work or into entrepreneurship.

The Symposium, served as a jumpstart event leading up to the celebration of World Food Day with the national ceremony to be held in Belize on Friday, October 19th, 2018. The theme for World Food Day 2018 is ‘Our Actions are Our Future- A #ZeroHunger World by 2030 is possible’.

World Food Day activities will take place on the campus of Julian Cho Technical High School and will have the participation of the various food production and food processing companies from across the country.