FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

Celebrating World Food Day 2018


Our Actions are Our Future. A #Zero Hunger world by 2030 is possible, was the theme for this year’s World Food Day. Jamaica, The Bahamas and Belize joined in days of celebration through national ceremonies, a conference, a health walk/run/fair, food donations, exhibitions, and a youth symposium. These  activities shed light on the plight of world hunger and the responsibility we all share in ensuring nutritious food for all, ensuring decent work and economic growth in the food and agriculture sectors, living active, healthy lives and eliminating hunger and malnutrition in all its forms.

In the Bahamas, a Fun Walk Run and Health Fair was held to promote healthy lifestyles as a way to decrease non-communicable diseases in the country. The Bahamas’ Ambassador to FAO, Her Excellency Verna Grant participated in the event and presented medals to the winners. Exhibitors at the health fair included, health testing from the Ministry of Health, the Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI) pop up market, and a selection of vendors offering healthy food options.

A National Ceremony and Exhibition were convened at the Kendal G L Isaacs Gymnasium where the M. P for Pinewood and the High Commissioner to CARICOM, His Excellency Reuben Rahming delivered the keynote address. During the ceremony, presentations were awarded to charitable organizations, the Ministry announced plans to establish a garden at the Persis Rodgers Home for the Aged to provide both food and therapy and exercise for its residents.

Throughout both events, patrons were encouraged to donate food items, which yielded a significant amount of food item being donated to the Bahamas Feeding Network and The Great Commission Ministries. These organizations were selected due to the tremendous work they are currently doing in feeding the less fortunate in The Bahamas.

In Belize, World Food Day celebrations took place in Punta Gorda, Toledo District Southern Belize at Julian Cho Technical High School. Several radio interviews were conducted by the Food and Nutrition Security Commission Coordinator, Mr. Emelio Montero and Mr. Justaqui Tush, District Agriculture Coordinator for Toledo, Ministry of Agriculture.

The 2nd National Rural Youth Symposium on Agriculture was held at Julian Cho Technical High School, Punta Gorda Town, Toledo District, on October 16, 2018. More on this event.

Jamaica celebrated World Food Day with a National Ceremony, Conference and Exhibition. FAO collaborated with the University of Technology and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries to convene a Conference on Advocating Food Security, Good Nutrition and Poverty Eradication through Education.

The opening ceremony for the celebrations featured a Keynote Speech by the Minister of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Audley Shaw. The final act of the ceremony was the planting of five fruit trees across the University’s campus by the Minister of MICAF- Hon. Audley Shaw, FAO Officer-in-Charge- Dr Gillian Smith, University President- Prof. Stephen Vascianne, Acting Permanent Secretary- Dr Andrene Collings, and the event’s Host Lecturer- Dr Wright.

During the Conference, FAO Officer- In – Charge, Dr Gillian Smith made a presentation on Food Security and the School-Feeding Programme in Jamaica.

FAO also joined 30 exhibitors in mounting an exhibit on its work in relation to food security, rural development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and urged patrons to take action in ensuring better nutrition and working to achieve food security.

Click to see World Food Day photos from all three countries and others from around the world.