FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

Belize Food Systems Assessment Consultation Workshop - August 26

Belizean Onion Farmer. Photo courtesy of Luis Pook/Belize Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Enterprise.

The Government of Belize in partnership with the European Union (EU), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the French Agriculture Research Centre for Development (CIRAD) convenes a Consultation Workshop on “Catalysing the Sustainable and Inclusive Transformation of Food Systems” in Belize on Thursday, August 26, 2021.

This consultation workshop will gather key actors and experts to discuss and agree on multi-dimensional issues related to the sustainability of food systems in Belize. This interactive and participatory session will take place online.



Since 2020, the EU, FAO and CIRAD have entered into a partnership with governments and stakeholders to initiate a large-scale assessment and consultation on food systems in more than 50 countries, as a first step towards transforming them.

The three partners share a priority agenda dedicated to supporting the global transition to sustainable and inclusive agri-food systems. As we move closer to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of a better future for all, particularly in this last decade of action, a concerted effort is needed to rethink our food systems. They are critical to achieving all SDGs. However, the solutions are complex.

Each regional, national and even sub-national food system has its own specificities and set of hurdles, which means that a solution for one may not apply to all, but stakeholders can learn from each other’s way of improving the system. Therefore, a continuous dialogue on these improved approaches between all actors at national, regional and international level is required.

Looking forward

The results of the consultation will be included in the final food system assessment technical report and policy brief, and will provide key evidence, insights and areas for intervention. The outcome documents will advance the national dialogue on food system, and feed into policies, plans and programs on food systems development in Belize. It will also inform the Food Systems Summit convened by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, at the UN General Assembly in September 2021, as well as the post-Summit agenda.