FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize


13 April 2022
Selected farmers’ organization set to receive support to increase production, access to markets and public services for their farmers. Farmers’ Organizations play a pivotal role in improving the rights, opportunities, social and economic outcomes of small scale and family farmers under their guidance. Beyond food production, farmers’ organizations carry out education,...
05 April 2022
Sustainable agri-food systems, prosperous and inclusive rural societies, and sustainable and resilient agriculture, are the priorities agreed upon by the FAO Regional Conference.  The countries of Latin America and the Caribbean established the regional priorities that will guide the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
29 March 2022
The Bahamas is boosting its food safety readiness to ensure food security and public health. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to new businesses in food services and trade while at the same time raising concerns about food safety and our heavy reliance on agri-food imports. Having effective, efficient and sustainable...
23 March 2022
Caribbean Agriculture Ministers meet to discuss priority areas for FAO's work for 2022-2023
23 March 2022
On World Water Day, the Government of Jamaica held the national launch of the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture.