FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize


06 December 2019
On September 1, 2019, The Bahamas was hit by Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 storm. Abaco and Grand Bahama, two major islands of the Commonwealth experienced the catastrophic impacts of this hurricane and approximately seventy thousand people were impacted. While the approximate death toll at the time of this posting stands...
05 December 2019
Let's #StopSoilErosion to ensure a food secure future...
03 December 2019
Plants make up 80 percent of our food but are under constant and increasing threat from pests and diseases. On December 2, 2019, FAO launched the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) for 2020 to raise awareness about the importance of plant health in addressing hunger, poverty and environmental threats, and boosting...
27 November 2019
Jamaica’s new Agricultural Disaster Risk Management Framework and Strategic Plan was officially handed over by FAO to the Government of Jamaica. Mr Juan Cheaz Pelaez, FAO Officer-in-Charge officially handed over the document to Mr Winston Shaw, Senior Director, Division of Technology, Training and Technical Information and Climate Change contact for the...
14 November 2019
The English-Speaking Caribbean will now have access to real-time information and updates from FAO through the new FAO in the Caribbean Twitter. Followers on Twitter will now have acess to up to the minute information on events, stories and happenings relating to food and agriculture. We encourage you to follow us, retweet...