FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize


05 September 2019
FAO is looking for a Programme Management Consultant in Jamaica, and a National Agribusiness & Contract Farming Consultant and National Legal Consultant in Belize. PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is seeking applications from suitably qualified persons for a temporary Programme Management Consultant. The Consultancy...
30 August 2019
The Denbigh Agriculture Show this year focused on the theme “Aligning farming decisions with climatic conditions”, a very apt theme for the Small Island Developing State constantly threatened by the impacts of climate change.  In keeping with the theme, FAO stood ready to showcase climate resilient crops and their benefits...
08 August 2019
The islands of New Providence, North Andros, Eleuthera, and Long Island engaged in 10 days of technical assistance provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the assessment of the small ruminant (sheep and goats) sector. A team of six technical officers, led by  Jeri Kelly,...
08 August 2019
On July 29th, the Government of Belize launched the Belize Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition under the MesoAmerica Hunger Free Programme and the Hunger-Free Latin America and Caribbean Initiative. The Government of Belize confirmed their political commitment through the signing of a parliamentary declaration by the Belize National Assembly to...
07 August 2019
Dr Crispim Moreira has been appointed as FAO Representative for Jamaica, The Bahamas and Belize. Dr Moreira, a national of Brazil, is an Agricultural Engineer and holds a Doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Dr Moreira started his career in 1993 as Deputy Secretary of Municipal Food...