FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize


30 January 2019
Intended for fisheries managers and fisheries officers from countries in the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem. Click here  to learn more. 
30 November 2018
Food safety and quality are vital ingredients for Zero Hunger. Discover how international food safety standards help protect health and facilitate trade.
29 November 2018
Over USD60 million will be injected into Jamaica’s agriculture and rural tourism sectors come 2019. Farmers and rural producers are among those to benefit from the funds, geared towards enhancing agricultural productivity, agro-processing and rural tourism. Following the successes of the World Bank funded Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI), phase...
23 November 2018
For years, Jamaica has tried to reconnect its ginger to the world market with little success, but as the country fights the Ginger Rhizome Rot disease that has stunted its progress, there are plans to support the value added aspects of the much-revered root.  Twenty of Jamaica’s experts met to...
19 November 2018
The 15th Caribbean Week of Agriculture brought together countries from across CARICOM for five days of discussions, engagement, and expeditions all geared towards “Strengthening Agriculture for a Healthier Future in the Region.” FAO was among the agencies from the Caribbean that participated in the event and brought attention to its national school feeding...