FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize


26 October 2018
Test your knowledge on migration, agriculture and rural development- answer these questions
26 October 2018
In October 2018, the Government of Jamaica passed a revised Fisheries Act with 25 Amendments. The new act replaces the 1975 Fishing Industry Act and aims to foster a more enabling environment and legal framework for the Fisheries sector. It also aims to ensure that the sustainable management and development of...
18 October 2018
Our Actions are Our Future. A #Zero Hunger world by 2030 is possible, was the theme for this year’s World Food Day. Jamaica, The Bahamas and Belize joined in days of celebration through national ceremonies, a conference, a health walk/run/fair, food donations, exhibitions, and a youth symposium. These  activities shed...
16 October 2018
Ninety-two (92) students representing five (5) secondary and tertiary learning institutions in Southern Belize, today, took part in the 2nd Annual Rural Youth Symposium: Engaging Rural Youth on Agriculture. The students hailing from the Toledo Community College, Independence High School, Julian Cho Technical High School, University of Belize, Toledo; and...
01 October 2018
From October 8 to 12, 2018, the Government of Barbados will host the 15th Caribbean Week of Agriculture (CWA) under the theme: “Strengthening Agriculture for a Healthier Future in the Region”