FAO in Jamaica, Bahamas and Belize

Project list


Improving Phytosanitary, Food Safety and Market Access Opportunities Along the Hot Pepper Value Chain in Jamaica

Improving Phytosanitary, Food Safety and Market Access Opportunities Along the Hot Pepper Value Chain in Jamaica

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives of Better Production (BP) and Better Nutrition (BN) with a particular focus on (BP) 1- Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture Production; BP3- Health systems performance in sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS); PB4- Small-scale producers equitable access to resources; BN3 – Safe Food for Everyone and BN4 – Reducing Food Loss and Waste.

Objective: The objective is to advance Jamaica’s hot pepper industry through achieving more competitive consistent high-quality supply of fresh and processed products; meeting food safety and export requirements; sustainably meeting the increase in demand; increasing domestic and international sales and enhancing the technical and resource capacity of local producers, inspection and regulatory bodies.

Description: The project aims to enhance pest management and clean seed production by training technical officers and stakeholders in sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) management. Additionally, it seeks to increase food safety and market access through training, support for food safety certification, and the implementation of a food safety management system. The project also promotes climate resilience practices by providing training in climate adaptability and strategies to reduce pre- and post-harvest losses.

Duration: April 2023-March 2025

Donor: Standards and Trade Development Facility

Project codeMTF/JAM/023/STF

Building Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to drive sustainable, alternative, non-traditional value chains

Building Effective Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to drive sustainable, alternative, non-traditional value chains

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives (SO) 4- Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems and the Regional Initiative 1 on Support to Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean

Objective: The objective is to support the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to facilitate the establishment of new public private partnerships (PPPs) that link lead firms with small farmers to promote agricultural development in economically viable value chains.

Description: The project intends to build the capacity of public institutions to identify commercially viable public-private partnerships and enhance the ability of public institutions to establish and facilitate PPPs.

Duration: April 2020 - November 2021

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/JAM/3703

Resilience in Agriculture and Market Systems for COVID-19 Response Project [RAMS]

Resilience in Agriculture and Market Systems for COVID-19 Response Project [RAMS]

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives (SO) 1- Helping to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; SO2- Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, SO3- Reduce rural poverty, SO4- Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems, SO5- Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises and the Regional Initiative 1 on Support to Hunger Free Latin America and the Caribbean

Objective: The objective is to support the Government of Jamaica in implementing public purchasing mechanisms, upgraded the cold chain for agriculture, used technical tools to strengthen the resilience of Agro-food system to COVID-19, economic vulnerability and natural disasters.

Description:  The project intends to provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture in developing public private mechanisms to link agricultural produce to markets which have been disrupted as a result of COVID-19 and reduce food loss. Gap assessments will be undertaken to improve agricultural storage facilities aiming at reducing loss and improving agriculture disaster risk management

Duration: January 2021 – February 2022

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/JAM/3801

Inclusive and Resilient Agri-Food System in Rural and Peri-Urban Territories of Kingston

Inclusive and Resilient Agri-Food System in Rural and Peri-Urban Territories of Kingston

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable and SO4: Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Regional Initiative 2: Family Farming and Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Rural Development

Objective: The project aims to improve capacity of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries to develop and implement value chain upgrading strategies; Increase stakeholder participation in the development and upgrading of the ginger value chain and strengthen the efficiency of the clean planting material production system to support extended production of ginger.

Description: The project seeks to work with the government of Jamaica to increase the production of ginger as an important means of increasing diversity and creating opportunities for improved livelihood in rural areas and especially among small farmers. 

Duration: December 2016- June 2018

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/JAM/3602 

Creating an enabling environment for agri-insurance provision in three Caribbean countries

Creating an enabling environment for agri-insurance provision in three Caribbean countries

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives (SO) 3- Reduce rural poverty and SO5: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises.  Corresponds with Regional Initiative 3: Sustainable use of natural resources, climate change adaptation and disaster risk management

Objective:  Government institutions, public agencies and producers have access to an increased number of risk-transfer services, including insurance products through public-private schemes, as well as post-disaster support services. The project aims to reinforce the capacity of these actors for what concerns the provision and use of such products and services.

Description: The project seeks to increase farmers’ livelihoods resilience against natural hazards and disasters that impact agricultural production and affect food security and nutrition, by supporting the provision of agricultural insurance tools and risk-transfer services, as well as increase farmer’s knowledge on the use of insurance tools. 

Duration: 1 September 2017 - 30 August 2019

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/SLC/3606

Improving technical and institutional capacities for disaster and climate risk management and sustainable agriculture in Jamaica, Guyana and Suriname

Improving technical and institutional capacities for disaster and climate risk management and sustainable agriculture in Jamaica, Guyana and Suriname

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable and SO5: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises. Regional Initiative 3: Sustainable use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management.

Objective: The project aims to reduce the impact of climate-related disasters on agricultural livelihoods and improving household food security.

Description: In Jamaica, the project seeks to strengthen national systems to reduce agricultural risk and vulnerability to climate change and disasters, including mainstreaming gender for agriculture sustainability and resilience planning. 

Duration: 1 January 2017 - 31 December 2018

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/SLC/3603

Strengthening the human resilience in Northern Clarendon and West Kingston, Jamaica

Strengthening the human resilience in Northern Clarendon and West Kingston, Jamaica

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable and SO5: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises. Regional Initiative 3: Sustainable use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management.

Objective: The project aims to enhance economic, food and nutrition security in selected communities.

Description: The project seeks to enhance community based climate-smart water management systems for improved agricultural productivity, food security and resilience to natural hazards. 

Duration: 2 October 2017 - 30 November 2020

Donor: United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security

Project code: UNJP/JAM/019/UNJ (UNDP, FAO, UNEP, PAHO/WHO)

Support to formulate a national small ruminant industry development plan in Jamaica

Support to formulate a national small ruminant industry development plan in Jamaica

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable and SO5: Increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises and Regional Initiative 2: Family Farming and Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Rural Development

Objective: The project aims to formulate an appropriate industry development sector plan which is inclusive and in accordance with global best practices. The plan will include a clear roadmap for the small ruminant industry development; capacity building for producers and stakeholders of the industry; institutional arrangements for supporting the implementation of the strategy; outline of an appropriate breeding programme for goats and sheep.

Description: The project seeks to develop an inclusive national small ruminant industry development plan in accordance with global best practices and improve the capacity of livestock staff of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries to support the development of the sector.  

Duration: 31 October 2017 - 31 May 2018

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/JAM/3603/C1

The Bahamas

Technical Assistance to support the development of an Action Plan for the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy of The Bahamas

Technical Assistance to support the development of an Action Plan for the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy of The Bahamas

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives (SO) 1- Helping to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition and Regional Initiative 1: Supporting countries to achieve goals under the Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative

Objective: The project aims to provide guidance and support to the FNS Policy development team for the preparation of an FNS Policy Action Plan.

Description: The project seeks to provide technical support and oversight to the national counterparts for the preparation of FNS Action Plan to support the policy that has been formulated. It is expected that this will further strengthen the capacity of the country to address its FNS issues in a systematic and integrated manner.  

Duration: 22 January 2016 - 30 April 2018

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/BHA/3601 –C1

Assessment of the National School Feeding Programme in The Bahamas

Assessment of the National School Feeding Programme in The Bahamas

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives (SO) 1- Helping to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition and SO 3- Reduce rural poverty and Regional Initiative 1: Supporting countries to achieve goals under the Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative

Objective: The project aims to review the School feeding programme and the capacity of stakeholders to support a sustainable SFP

Description: The project seeks to comprehensively review the country’s School Feeding Programme and strengthen the capacity of stakeholders to support a sustainable school feeding programme. 

Duration: 01 September 2017 - 31 January 2019

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/BHA/3602 –C2

Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution

Towards a Caribbean Blue Revolution

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, SO4: Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Regional Initiative 2: Family Farming and Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Rural Development and Regional Initiative 3: Sustainable use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management.

Objective: The project aims increase the volumes of fish produced for the Caribbean people by small and medium- scale aquaculture and aquaponics farms ion an economically viable, ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable manner.

Description: The project seeks to develop small- and medium-scale aquaculture and aquaponics farms that are producing more fish for the Caribbean people in an economically viable, ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable manner.

Duration: August 2016- August 2018

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/SLC/3601

Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs, Promotion of Alternatives and Strengthening Pesticides Management in the Caribbean (FSP)

Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides including POPs, Promotion of Alternatives and Strengthening Pesticides Management in the Caribbean (FSP)

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable and Regional Initiative 3: Sustainable use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management

Objective: To promote the sound management of pesticides in the Caribbean throughout their life-cycle in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the global environment.

Description: The project seeks to safely destroy POPs and obsolete pesticides, remediate pesticide contaminated sites, establish mechanisms to deal with empty pesticide and other waste containers, prevent wastes by interventions at earlier life cycle stages, strengthen the institutional and regulatory framework for managing pesticide through their life cycles and increase the successful uptake of alternatives to the most hazardous chemical pesticides on key crops.

Duration: November 2015- September 2019

Donor: Global Environment Facility

Project code: GCP /SLC/204/GFF


Developing and enhancing small scale agri-processing capacity in Belize

Developing and enhancing small scale agri-processing capacity in Belize

Priority areas: Corresponds with Strategic Objectives 2: Make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable, SO 3- Reduce rural poverty and SO4: Enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Corresponds with Regional Initiative 1: Supporting countries to achieve goals under the Hunger-Free Latin America and the Caribbean Initiative and Regional Initiative 2: Family Farming and Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Rural Development

Objective: The project aims to develop agribusinesses and agrifood chains that are more inclusive and efficient and implemented by the public and private sectors. The project also aims to build the Ministry of Agriculture’s capacity to enable more inclusive and efficient commercially driven agrifood and agro-industry value chains.

Description: The project seeks to improve the food and nutrition security status in Belize by increasing employment and income opportunities for small scale rural entrepreneurs through the development of inclusive agrifood and agro-industry enterprises.

Duration: October 2017- June 2019

Donor: FAO

Project code: TCP/BZE/3601