


バーチャルイベント , 2023/03/11

English below








G7宮崎農業大臣会合協力推進協議会の記事は こちら




G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki “High School Students' Proposal" Project

Online Session held with G7 member countries’ students to exchange opinions

To contribute to the G7 Agriculture Ministers' Meeting in Miyazaki, Japan in April 2023, the G7 Agriculture Ministers’ Meeting in Miyazaki Promotion Council is implementing the “High School Students' Proposal” project. High school students selected from Miyazaki prefectural high schools are developing the “High School Students’ Proposal” through discussion on food and agriculture.

On Saturday 11 March 2023, an online session was held amongst the students of Miyazaki and students from G7 member countries. The students from Miyazaki presented their draft proposal in English. The students from other G7 member countries gave their views on the presentation, shared the situation on food and agriculture in their respective countries, and introduced some of their own activities related to food and agriculture.

The session provided a valuable opportunity for students from both Miyazaki and overseas to interact and exchange opinions on food and agriculture.


The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) supported the organisation of this online session by introducing students from other G7 member countries.