
第6回 JISNAS-FAO 合同セミナー

バーチャルイベント , 2023/06/02


国連機関や国際組織の持つグローバルな技術的知見は、言語の制約や情報の専門性などにより、日本ではまだ十分活用されていません。そこで、国連の食料・農業に関する専門機関である我々FAOの最新情報を日本語で提供する一つの機会として、農学知的支援ネットワーク(Japan Intellectual Support Network in Agricultural Sciences, JISNAS) とFAO駐日連絡事務所とが連携し、合同セミナーを開催いたします。日本の大学・学生、研究者及び研究機関の皆様方への情報発信とともに、日本とFAOとのより一層緊密な連携を推進するものです。








司会     日比絵里子 FAO駐日連絡事務所長

15:00  開会挨拶・ご紹介

15:05-15:35     「IPCC AR6~食料と農業の役割と影響(仮題)」 インカール・カディルジャノヴァ FAO気候変動・生物多様性・環境部 上級天然資源担当官  

15:35-15:50     「IPCC AR6~日本にとっての重要性(仮題)」 

長谷川利紘 国立研究開発法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構(農研機構) 農業環境研究部門エグゼクティブリサーチャー、IPCC AR6 WG2 第5章「食料、繊維及びその他の生態系産物」 統括執筆責任者

15:50     質疑応答

16:25   閉会挨拶 山内章 JISNAS運営委員長、名古屋大学アジアサテライトキャンパス学院長

16:30     閉会

登録はこちらから https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_l75uWwtRhO3U3V97gE_UQ


“Unraveling ‘the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (2023.3)’

From the Food Systems Perspective“

2 June 2023, Friday, 1500-1630 Japan time


The global technical knowledge held by United Nations agencies and international organizations has not been fully utilized in Japan due to language constraints and the technical nature of information. Therefore, as an opportunity to provide the latest information from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a specialized agency of the United Nations on food and agriculture, the Japan Intellectual Support Network in Agricultural Sciences (JISNAS) and the FAO Liaison Office in Japan have been collaborating to hold joint seminars. Our aim is to disseminate information to Japanese universities, students, researchers, and research institutions, as well as to promote closer collaboration between Japan and FAO.


At this upcoming seminar, we will review the "Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)" recently issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to look at the impact and relevance to the agro-food systems. The Report contains a vast amount of knowledge encompassing a number of topic areas. During the event, we will specifically examine the impact and relevance to food and agriculture and attempt to explain the contents as simply as possible. First, Ms. Kadyrzhanova, Senior Natural Resources Officer in the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Environment at the FAO Headquarters, will explain from a global perspective. Following her presentation, Dr. Toshihiro Hasegawa, of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) of Japan, will comment on the importance of the Report for Japan. Dr. Hasegawa participated in the preparation of the Report as Coordinating Lead Author of the chapter on food.


Please register using the registration link far below.


Date/Time: 2 June 2023, Friday, 1500-1630 Japan Time

Modality: Online Seminar via Zoom

Language: English and Japanese with simultaneous translation




Moderator:         Ms. Eriko Hibi, Director, FAO Liaison Office in Japan

15:00              Welcome remarks and introduction, Ms. Hibi

15:05-15:35      “IPCC AR6: The Role and Impact of Food and Agriculture (TBC)” Ms. Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Senior Natural Resources Officer, Office of Climate Change, biodiversity and Environment, FAO HQs.
Ms. Inkar Kadyrzhanova, Senior Natural Resources Officer, Office of Climate Change, biodiversity and Environment, FAO HQs.   

15:35-15:50      “IPCC AR6: The Report’s Importance for Japan (TBC)” 

Dr. Toshihiro Hasegawa, Executive Researcher, Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of IPCC-AR6-WG2 Chapter 5.

15:50               Q&A

16:25             Closing Statement, Professor Akira Yamauchi, Director, Nagoya University Asian Satellite Campuses Institute (ASCI), Chair of JISNAS Steering Committee

16:30               End of Session


Registration:       https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_l-75uWwtRhO3U3V97gE_UQ