

バーチャルイベント , 2022/07/15

English below

世界の食料安全保障と栄養の現状(SOFI)は、飢餓の撲滅、食料安全保障の達成および栄養の改善に向けた進捗状況を報告するとともに、こうした目標を達成するための主要な課題を詳細に分析します。SOFIは国際連合食糧農業機関(FAO)の主要報告書の1つであり、5つの国連機関(FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP, WHO)が共同で制作する年次主要報告書です。


2022年の「世界の食料安全保障と栄養の現状」(SOFI2022)報告書のテーマは ”Repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable” (健康的な食事がより手ごろな価格で手に入るよう、食料・農業政策を見直す)です。2030年までに持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の目標2(飢餓をゼロに)を達成しようとすると、より手頃な価格で且つ栄養のある食料を全ての人に届けられるように農業・食料システムを変革しなければなりません。しかし、昨今の景気の後退やインフレ圧力の中では、農業・食料システムへの十分な投資が難しい状況にあります。こうした中では、公的支出・公共投資が特に重要になります。また、それらの公的資金を今とは異なる形で分配し直すことが喫緊の課題です。より健康的な食事や持続可能性、包摂性を促進するよう、公的資金をより効率的に、効果的に活用することは可能です。多くの国がこれらの目的に向けて食料・農業政策を見直し、同じ目的の達成に向け他分野においても補完する政策を策定することができるはずです。





形式:オンライン(Zoom ウェビナー)




司会・進行: FAO 駐日連絡事務所所長 日比絵里子氏

15:30 開会挨拶

  • 衆議院議員・FAO議連事務局長 鈴木馨祐氏
  • 外務省経済局審議官 竹谷厚氏
  • 農林水産省輸出・国際局審議官 谷村栄二氏

15:40 「世界の食料安全保障と栄養の現状:2022年報告」解説

  • FAO統計部長 ホゼ・ロゼロ・モンカヨ氏

16:00   共同発行機関からのコメント

  • 国連世界食糧計画 (WFP) 日本事務所代表 焼家直絵氏
  • 国際農業開発基金 (IFAD)  グローバルエンゲージメント・パートナーシップ・資金調達部 部長 ロナルド・ハートマン氏
  • 国連児童基金 (UNICEF)  東京事務所 副所長代理(ニューヨーク本部ポリオ根絶チーム 上席アドバイザー)山口郁子氏
  • 世界保健機関 (WHO) 栄養・食品安全部 栄養状態の監視と食品の安全に関するイベント担当ユニット ユニットヘッド イレーネ・ボルギ氏

16:40 質疑応答

16:55 閉会挨拶 FAO駐日連絡事務所所長 日比絵里子氏



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【世界の食料安全保障と栄養の現状:2022年報告(SOFI 2022)】






The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 (SOFI 2022): Japan Launch

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) is a FAO annual flagship publication series that monitors progress towards globally agreed food security and nutrition targets, presenting and analyzing global, regional and country level trends, and providing in-depth analyses on emerging issues to inform decision making and contribute to the achievement of ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. This report is jointly produced by five UN agencies (FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO).

The persistence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its lingering consequences, which exacerbate existing inequalities, continue to impede progress towards ending hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition in all its forms. It has contributed to economic recessions around the world, which has negatively affected the quantity and quality of foods consumed by billions of people. Food prices and inflation have increased in the past year, because of bottlenecks in supply chains, soaring transport costs and other disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the Russia-Ukraine conflict that has recently erupted is already affecting global grain, fertilizer, and energy prices, with the potential to fuel further inflation in the coming months with impacts on food security and nutrition.

This year’s edition of the report will focus on repurposing food and agricultural policies to make healthy diets more affordable. If we are to meet the targets of SDG 2 by 2030, agrifood systems must be transformed to deliver less costly nutritious foods, thus contributing to making healthy diets more affordable for all, but the current context of economic recession and inflation pressures is not one in which many countries could massively invest in agrifood systems. In such a recessionary context, public spending and investments become particularly important. Allocating existing public budgets in a different manner becomes a more urgent necessity. It is possible to use them more cost-effectively and efficiently for promoting healthy diets, sustainability, and inclusivity. In this regard, many countries can repurpose their food and agricultural policies towards these objectives, while ensuring that complementing policies in other sectors are there to create incentives that are coherent to this end.

The report has been launched globally in the sidelines of the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York, on 6 July. A launch event in Japan will be held on 15 July, with both Japanese and English languages available.


The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 (SOFI 2022): Japan Launch

Date: 15 July 2022 (Friday) 15:30-17:00 (JST)

Venue: Online (Zoom webinar)

Language: Japanese / English (simultaneous interpretation)



  • Moderator: Ms. Eriko Hibi (Director, Liaison Office in Japan (LOJ), FAO)

15:30 Opening Remarks

  • Mr. Keisuke Suzuki (Member of the House of Representatives and Secretary-General of the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League)
  • Mr. Taketani Atsushi (Deputy Director-General / Deputy Assistant Minister, Economic Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)
  • Mr. Eiji Tanimura (Deputy Director-General, Export and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan)

15:40 Presentation “The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 (SOFI)”

  • Mr. Jose Rosero Moncayo (Director, Statistics Division, FAO)


16:00 Comments from UN Agencies

  • Ms. Naoe Yakiya (Director, Japan Office, World Food Programme (WFP))
  • Mr. Ronald Thomas Hartman (Director, Global Engagement, Partnership and Resource Mobilization (GPR), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD))
  • Ms. Ikuko Yamaguchi (Acting Deputy Director, Tokyo Office / Senior Advisor, Resource Mobilization and Advocacy Polio Eradication, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF))
  • Ms. Elaine Borghi (Unit Head, Monitoring Nutrition Status and Food Safety Events Unit, Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, World Health Organization (WHO))

16:40 Q&A

16:55 Closing Remarks

  • Moderator: Ms. Eriko Hibi (Director, LOJ, FAO)



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<The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022 (SOFI 2022)>

Find out more about the report from this link

The press release can be accessed from this link