FAO in Kenya


11 May 2016
Responding to Climate Change and Food insecurity through Climate-Smart Farming.Stakeholders have committed to a robust plan of institutionalizing conservation agriculture in Kenya.  This will be achieved through interventions on commercialization, promotion of large-scale adoption at national level and making agriculture attractive to the youth, especially as a form of employment....
21 March 2016
Key stakeholders in the forestry and environment sector converge in Baringo County to observe the importance of Forests.Koibatek – Representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of Kenya participated in the official celebration of the International Day of Forests organized jointly by Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and the Ministry...
25 February 2016
Development of Codex Food Standards fundamental to International Trade and Food SafetyKenya has officially taken over Cameroon, as the FAO/WHO Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CC-AFRICA).  A symbolic handing over ceremony held in Nairobi was organised by the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) which is the Codex Contact point, and consequently...
14 January 2016
Promoting links between animal health and public health sectors through a "One Health" lens.
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