FAO in Kenya

Tana River County receives first fully equipped land registry

From left to right: Tana River Governor, EU Ambassador to Kenya, Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Cabinet Secretary and FAO Representative to Kenya look at some of the land registry equipment. ©FAO/Lydia Limbe

Tana River - Kenya: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Union (EU) today handed over the first fully equipped land registry in Tana River County to the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning (MoLPP).

Speaking during the handover, the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Cabinet Secretary said, “with a fully equipped land registry, Tana River will be one of the first 20 counties where digitalization of records will take place by end of 2021, making it easy to transact and do business.”

With a geographical area of 285, 085ha, Tana River County was separated from Lamu, Kilifi and Mombasa Counties leaving a gap in land administration and management. The established land registry brings these services closer to the people.

“Thank you Madam CS for your support. We have received 3000 title deeds that were gathering dust in Mombasa and Lamu County, as well as at the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. In addition to a fully equipped GIS Laboratory, we now five physical planners, four surveyors, two assistant planners and two GIS technicians,” said the Tana River County Governor H.E Dr. Dhadho Godhana.

According to Kenya’s Vision 2030, improved land governance and securing the natural resource base is the key ingredient to transform Kenya into a newly industrializing, middle-income country providing a high quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030. Equal access and use of land is an important ingredient to food and nutrition security as well as peace and harmony.

“To ensure food and nutrition security for better livelihoods and socio-economic development, access to land that is secure and equitable is a key resource as stipulated in Vision 2030,” said Carla Mucavi, the FAO Representative to Kenya.

Land Governance

The joint European Union and FAO funded programme, dubbed: “Support to the attainment of Vision 2030 through Devolved Land Reforms in Community Lands of Kenya”, is being implemented in collaboration with Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, the National Land Commission, Council of Governors, and nine county governments. Namely: Baringo, Laikipia, Marsabit, Nandi, Samburu, Tana River, Turkana, West Pokot and Vihiga counties.

“Improved land governance contributes significantly to some of the Kenya’s Big 4 Agenda: Employment and Job Creation, Food and Nutrition security, Investment Opportunities as well as Management of community conflicts. Under the 10.4 million Euro Land Governance Programme, the EU, FAO together with the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning, the National Land Commission and the County Governments, is contributing to these important and transformational objectives,” said Katrin Hagemann, the EU Ambassador to Kenya.

Land administration and management was one of the key areas of focus. Land registry equipment were procured, existing ones were refurbishment while new land registries were installed using state of art digital equipment to integrate the just launched National Land Information Systems (NLIMS).

In 2019, FAO equipped all the nine counties with Geospatial Information System (GIS) Laboratories for management of land and natural resources to enhance food and nutrition security. Applied GIS in land analysis reduces land conflicts, improve access, improve land use planning, and identify natural resources like water, fisheries and forests.

Note to editors:

FAO on land and water and natural resources

About the National Lands Information Management System (NLIMS)


For more information



Lydia Limbe

Communication Specialist

FAO Kenya.

Email: [email protected]