FAO in Kenya

FAO supports the establishment of the One Health Technical Working Group for Kenya

Participants at the Zoonotic Technical Working Group in Nairobi @FAO/Mark Nanyingi

The Zoonotic Technical Working Group (ZTWG) is a multisectoral, multidisciplinary and interagency coordination mechanism that plays an advisory and coordination role in the management of zoonotic and emerging disease threats. To strengthen One Health coordination mechanisms at the national and county levels, the Kenya One Health Strategic Plan for Control of Zoonotic Diseases (2021-2025), recommends convening of quarterly Zoonotic Technical Working Group (ZTWG).

To enhance the country's implementation, operationalization and institutionalization of One Health, The Zoonotic Diseases Unit (ZDU) supported by FAO convened the quarterly national stakeholders meeting to enhance national and county multisectoral implementation and operationalization of One Health approach in Kenya. 

The objectives of this workshop were to assess the progress of country level implementation of One Health activities, outline joint mechanisms of joint surveillance and outbreak response to zoonoses, revamp the ZTWG functionalities and harmonize partners One Health workplans. The workshop was attended by 40 subject matter experts from the county and national government, research institutions, universities, and partners in One Health.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Patrick Amoth, Acting Director General for Health; reflected on the Kenya’s Ministry of Health (MoH) strides in strengthening the division of zoonotic diseases and called for enhancement of multidisciplinary approaches for improved Universal Health Care (UHC), he cited the successes in surveillance and response to COVID-19 in Kenya as an excellent model in One Health collaboration and coordination.

Dr. Athman Mwatondo, the head of Division of Zoonotic Diseases at the MOH and co-lead of the ZDU, cited key milestones achieved in the last decade specifically the development and implementation of the One Health strategic plan and disease specific control strategies and contingency plans (Rabies, Brucellosis, Anthrax, Rift Valley fever) which have been supported by FAO and other partners. 

“ There is need to sustain FAO’s collaboration with the government in strengthening early warning systems, joint surveillance and outbreak response, advocacy, operational research, capacity building, and the cost-effective co-creation and co-implementation of activities”  said Dr. Mark Nanyingi, One Health specialist and lead facilitator for FAO Emergence Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD). Using FAO-ECTAD (2023) work plan that was co-developed with ZDU as a case study, other partners provided suggestions on cost effective implementation and institutionalization of One Health in the country without potential of duplication of efforts.

The stakeholders outlined the mandate and functions of the ZTWG and discussed the draft Terms of Reference (TOR) based on four thematic areas: (i) Training, Advocacy and Communication, (ii) Preparedness and Response, (iii) Research and development (iv) Disease Surveillance and Prevention. The constitution of membership was aligned to ministries and partners whose roles and responsibilities were also outlined. More stakeholder engagements are necessary to finalize these guidelines.

In his closing remarks, Dr. David Mwangangi, on behalf of the Director of Veterinary services reckoned the significant role the ZDU has played in combating zoonoses since its formation in 2012 and expressed commitment by the Directorate in realizing the successful One Health implementation by providing more support to the ZDU in terms of human resource.  

The participants were mainly drawn from human and animal health sectors from five county One Health Units (COHU), Universities; University of Nairobi, University of Liverpool, Washington State University; Research institutions- CDC Kenya, Institute of Primate Research and ILRI; Partners; AMREF and Kenya Red Cross. The activity was implemented through the generous financial support from USAID.

For further information, kindly contact:

Joseph Othieno

National Communications Specialist

FAO Kenya

Email: [email protected]


Mark Nanyingi

One Health Specialist


Email : [email protected]