FAO in Kenya

FAO Participates in the 11th Summit of LREB

FAO Rep. Carla Mucavi and a section of LREB Governors pose for a photo @FAO/Pauline Akolo

FAO Kenya participated in the 11th summit of the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB) that was held in Migori County.

The 14 LREB summit members that include Bomet, Kericho, Nandi, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Busia, Kakamega, Vihiga, Siaya, Homa bay, Kisumu, Migori, Kisii and Nyamira was anchored under the theme: “partnerships for sustainable development: County responses to blue economy and climate change adaption in the Lake Region”.

FAO Representative in Kenya, Carla Mucavi in her remarks outlined Climate change, overexploitation and pollution and the physical degradation as well as destruction of land and water habitats as the real threats to the integrity and resilience of lake ecosystems, fisheries and communities. She reiterated the need for concerted efforts towards addressing the threats, “We can harness the potential in the region if we work together in the same direction to enable sustainable use and restoration of the ecosystems that are the basis of producing the resources we need to survive and thrive”, she said.

Embracing the Digital Land Governance Programme.

LREB also focused on embracing the Digital Land Governance Programme (DLGP) to improve food and nutritional security by securing land for food production. The Digital Land Governance Programme is funded by Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and European Union (EU) and supported by National and County Governments.

It was created to support all 47 Counties in improving food and nutrition security, livelihoods and sustainable development in Kenya through equitable and secure access and management of land as per Vision 2030.

The LREB Chairperson and also the Governor Kisumu County HE Prof. Anyng Nyong’o noted that the DLGP will help to address challenges of blue economy investment opportunities through the proper harnessing of the blue economy resources to avert poverty and enrich the Lake Region residents.

Nyong’o added that the summit was committed to formulating of policies that will promote the development of aquaculture as well as working with the development partners to improve the aquaculture in the Lake Region Block.

The summit also recognized that climate change was a real threat to food security in the region. Nyong’o affirmed that already all the LREB members have enacted their climate change policies as well as allocated two percent of their total budget for climate change mitigation.

On the sidelines of the summit, millet farmers supported by FAO Kenya exhibited their products in line with the International Year of Millets.


For Further Information, please contact:

Pauline Akolo

Communications Specialist

Email: [email protected]