FAO in Kenya

County sensitization and dialogue forums on the food system transformation pathways

Participants of the food systems sensitization workshop in Nakuru County.

In a bid to decentralize food systems transformation efforts to the counties in Kenya, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development organized a food systems consultative meeting targeting various counties. The main aim of the meetings was to promote inclusivity by involving local communities in decision-making processes, which enhances the effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural development initiatives.

Each county has unique agricultural challenges and opportunities, therefore focusing on food systems transformation will foster local ownership and accountability, empowering counties to tailor their agricultural strategies to suit their specific needs and priorities.

Under the  UNEP-FAO cooperation to support the transformation of food systems pathways in Africa Project, FAO reached out to various counties with the following objectives: to sensitize the counties on food systems transformation process; build capacity of  the counties on food systems technical tools such as 3FS, food system dashboard and stakeholder mapping tool; identify priority food systems transformation accelerator programmes at county level; identify and endorse food systems coordination structure at the counties; as well as to identify food system champions at the county level. The consultative meetings were multisectoral and multistakeholder with attendance by chief officers from the agriculture, livestock and fisheries, trade, environment, health, education, cooperatives, and other non-state actors such as farmer representatives, academia, research, and civil society. This activity was jointly facilitated with members of the National Food System Technical Working Group such as the Council of Governors, the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), SUN-Civil Society Alliance and the Food and Land Use Coalition.

During one of the meetings held in Nakuru County, the FAO Food Systems Specialist in Kenya, Rebeccah Wanjiru said that for the vision of the food system pathways to be realized there is need to be deliberate to ensure that everyone is part of the transformation. To address the unique interconnected challenges of food security and the economy, a multifaceted food system transformation is paramount to enhance climate resilience, poverty reduction, environmental sustainability as well as to accelerate the achievement of SDGs. Kenya as a country can achieve a more secure, resilient, and prosperous future by embracing holistic and sustainable approaches to food production, processing, distribution, and consumption.

The counties welcomed the food systems approach as key to ensuring food and nutrition security. The Kisii County Chief officer for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, Agnes Choti, noted that the food system is facing various challenges such as climate change, high urbanization, land fragmentation, declining soil fertility and all these factors are impeding the ability of counties and the country to achieve food and nutrition security.  She called on counties to engage the community including the youth in innovations such as converting organic waste to fertilizer to replenish the soils and improve productivity. Choti also called on all stakeholders at national and county level to work together to improve food and nutrition security for all people in the country. 


For more information contact:

Pauline Akolo

Communication Specialist

Email: [email protected]