FAO in Kenya


29 April 2021
Nairobi-Kenya: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today launched the Refugee Agricultural Value Chains for Economic Self Reliance (RAVES) project that will be implemented in Turkana County. The four year project funded by the IKEA Foundation, identified the groundnut value chain as a potential crop for sustainable...
27 April 2021
Nairobi Kenya: The President of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta launched the National Land Information Management System (NLIMS) under the initiative of the Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning Cabinet Secretary Farida Karoney, with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization and the European Union. From 2018, the initiative embarked on a comprehensive programme...
04 February 2021
Nairobi -Kenya: The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations today handed over two million vaccines for Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Fisheries and Cooperatives. Speaking during the handover, FAO Representative to Kenya Carla Mucavi said FAO has been supporting the Kenya Government since 2006 when the...
11 December 2020
Nairobi - Kenya: The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and UN Women have today jointly signed a USD 5million project funded by the Korea International Corporation Agency (KOICA). The four year project seeks to strengthen women’s capacity to meaningfully engage in Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in three Arid...
27 November 2020
Kisumu - Kenya:  The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations today launched six projects to be implemented within the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB) worth Ksh 650m. These programs focus mainly on enhancing job creation for youth and women, improving food and nutrition security, improving policy frameworks and...