FAO in Kenya


01 May 2017
FAO has the capacity to take on the responsibility of coordinating control and management interventions Tackling the menace of the tenacious fall armyworm pest and avoiding economic hardship for smallholders across Africa requires quick and coordinated action, a massive awareness campaign, scientific innovation and multi-institutional collaboration, indicated scientists attending the Stakeholders...
26 April 2017
Experts attending a technical meeting convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Nairobi to discuss the Fall armyworm infestation in Southern Africa in particular and the rest of Africa have called for robust monitoring of the pest in order to respond effectively. They include...
31 March 2017
Appropriate food packaging plays a pivotal role in ensuring quality and safety as well as facilitating distribution and marketing of food products in national as well as global markets. However, in most sub-Saharan countries, poor packaging is one of the main reasons for the failure of locally manufactured food products...
30 March 2017
In response to the significant livestock mortality, which has resulted from the drought, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) together with the State Department of Livestock have today flagged off a consignment of enough animal feed to sustain the targeted animals over a period of about...
16 March 2017
FAO Kenya in collaboration with Director of Veterinary Services (DVS) of Kenya organized a stakeholders’ workshop in Nairobi to discuss and endorse a proposed communication strategy, in addition to encouraging local ownership for rinderpest post-eradication. The workshop took place in Nairobi on 15th March 2017, drawing participants from pastoralist communities, farmers,...