FAO in Kenya


10 May 2023
More than 200 young agripreneurs and producers from Siaya and Kakamega counties attended the Youth in Agribusiness Trade Fair on 28th April to showcase their innovations, network, and engage in peer-to-peer learning. Youth organizations and partners undertaking youth-centered agriculture projects in the two counties were also present. The event featured...
18 April 2023
A major meeting this week brought together farmers, bankers, governments and development partners from across Africa and beyond to discuss ways to ensure smallholder farmers, the backbone of the region’s food system, have access to the finance they need to improve and scale up sustainable forest and farm management practices. The...
17 April 2023
The Kirisia Participatory Forest Management project was officially handed over to the Kirisia Community in Samburu County. The five-year project supported co-ownership of Kirisia forest with the local community and to ensure locally led sustainable conservation, management, and restoration of Kirisia/Leroghi forests to mitigate effects of climate change, improve forest cover...
17 March 2023
FAO Kenya participated in the 11th summit of the Lake Region Economic Block (LREB) that was held in Migori County. The 14 LREB summit members that include Bomet, Kericho, Nandi, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Busia, Kakamega, Vihiga, Siaya, Homa bay, Kisumu, Migori, Kisii and Nyamira was anchored under the theme: “partnerships for...
16 March 2023
Nairobi – Locust-affected countries gathered in Kenya to review the positive balance of what could have been a deadly 2019-2022 Desert Locust upsurge. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) convened a forum on Desert Locust management and prevention at its Forty-Second Session of the Desert Locust Control...