Коронивийская программа совместной работы в области сельского хозяйства

Задействованные стороны

The implementation and success of the KJWA depends on combined efforts from Subsidiary Bodies, Constituted Bodies as well as operating entities of the Financial Mechanism under the UNFCCC, Parties and observers, and other relevant stakeholders. Such a setup brings with it many opportunities, as it strengthens science-policy-practice linkages, with the potential to catalyze concrete action when it comes to addressing approaches to food security, the vulnerability of agriculture to climate change, and how to mitigate agriculture’s contribution to climate change.

Subsidiary Bodies

  • Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) - provides technical support on issues related to Convention
  • Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) - supervises the implementation of the Convention

Constitued bodies provide advice, technical input and expertise on:

  • Capacity building
  • Financing coordination and mobilization
  • Promotion of enhanced action on Knowledge sharing
  • Technology support andtransfer to developing countries

Financial mechanism and other funds provide funding and decide on priorities and eligibility criteria:

  • Global Environment Facility
  • Green Climate Fund
  • Adaptation Fund
  • Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Special Climate Change Fund

Parties, observers and stakeholders

  • FAO is an observer to the UNFCCC
  • Parties make the big decisions about climate action at COP, the supreme decision-making body of the UNFCCC