Land & Water


10 Dec 2019

FAO is organizing the International Workshop “Integrated territorial and landscape approaches for poverty reduction and sustainability: Innovation and challenges from country led implementation” from 10 to 12 December 2019 in FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. The workshop aims at enabling the knowledge sharing amongst countries, from their own perspectives in implementing integrated approaches and with the vision for scaling them up. Discussions will center around their methodologies and tools, the identification of bottlenecks to implementation, methodologies for fostering innovation and scaling up, including in the context of decentralization processes, implementation of regional plans for rural development, climate change action or poverty...

05 Dec 2019

The World Soil Day 2019 will focus on 'Stop soil erosion, save our future'.

For more info on the celebration of the World Soil Day, visit the Global Soil Partnership

04 Dec 2019

The Collaborative Platform on Water Productivity of the regional initiative on water scarcity for the Near East and North Africa organize the first Regional Water Productivity in Agriculture Conference from 04 to 06 December 2019 in Hammamet, Tunisia.

The conference will be open to interested institutions and experts and will bring a wide range of water productivity experts, stakeholders and members of the Collaborative Platform Network together to share their knowledge and experiences and identify new ways to promote water productivity and strengthen the partnership.

The Call for Abstracts is open until 1 October 2019. Contact the Conference committee for further...

02 Dec 2019