Land & Water


10 May 2017

The main objective of the meeting will be the approval of the ESP 2017-2020 Implementation Plan by the ESP partners and to define concrete ways and means to ensure its successful implementation at national and regional levels. This meeting will be an excellent occasion to find out how to play a role in the endeavour of turning plans into action.

28 Apr 2017

More information to follow.

24 Apr 2017

Further information to follow

19 Apr 2017

The first operational Meeting of Partners of the Global Framework on Water Scarcity is taking place on 19 – 20 April 2017 in Rome, bringing together key actors in the fight against water scarcity.

At least two-thirds of the global population, over 4 billion people, live with severe water scarcity for at least one month every year. And the situation is set to worsen as populations are growing, economies are developing and climate is changing.