Land & Water

FAO Technical Briefing on “Integrated Water Resources Management for Food Security and Climate Resilience”

Date: 26 October 2022, 09:00-16:00 CEST

Venue: FAO Headquarters, Green Room


The event will take place in hybrid modality, with the opportunity to attend it in presence or virtually through the zoom platform. 

For in-person participation, given the prevailing health and safety protocols in force, the number of physical participants in the Green Room is limited. Accordingly, Members wishing to attend in person must satisfy the requirements for access and entry to Headquarters’ premises and are invited to express their interest for physical participation by email to [email protected] no later than 18 October 2022.  Confirmation of in-person participation will be then sent by email no later than 21 October.   

For virtual participation, please register HERE. 

Expected participants: FAO Permanent Representatives and their technical teams, UN agencies, global water experts, FAO experts.


Water is a fundamental resource enabling the production of over 95% of food on land as well the progress of all sustainable development goals (SDGs). Therefore, the central role of water in achieving global food security and nutrition for all needs to be widely recognized by the agrifood sector. 

Unfortunately, freshwater resources are becoming increasingly scarce and water crisis is identified as one the top five crises to have the largest impact in the next decade. Currently 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries, of which more than 733 million people - approximately 10 per cent of the global population - live in countries with high and critical water stress. Water scarcity, drought, and climate change are leading challenges to sustainable agriculture development.

Addressing the water crisis is essential to achieving all 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, from ending poverty, to food security, to climate change and sustaining life on Earth.

Last year’s Food Systems Summit brought together governments, businesses, communities and civil society to chart sustainable pathways for the future of food systems that respect the human rights of all people through National Dialogues across 148 countries. These Dialogues concluded 116 national pathways to food security and revealed key building blocks for action by governments, together with different stakeholders, to further strengthen food systems by 2030 and support people to realize their right to food as well as their right to water.

On 22-24 March 2023, the UN will convene the UN 2023 Water Conference to review the progress made in the UN Water Action Decade. This will provide an opportunity to keep the momentum and raise the awareness of the water’s role in economies, societies and environment and to mobilize global-local actions on water for sustainable development.

In this context, the organization of a technical briefing before the next session of FAO’s Programme Committee is timely.  The aim of this briefing, through technical discussions with the participation of the world’s leading water experts, is to inform FAO Members about the overall role of water for sustainable development, the overlapping crises on water, food, energy, biodiversity, climate, and health, and the need for integrated management of the precious water resources.

Draft Programme (CEST) (speakers to be confirmed):


Welcome Coffee



Welcome by Ms. Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO

Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Yael Rubinstein, Chair of the Programme Committee

Keynote address:

Joint presentation by Lifeng Li, Director, Land and Water Division; FAO, Mark Smith of the International Water Management Institute; and Dr. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Director of Hydrology, Water and Cryosphere at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)


Technical Session 1: Water for Food Security and Nutrition

Presentation: Ms. Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division,

FAO Panelists: Mr. Marco Arcieri, Vice President Hon., International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Italy; Mr. Volli Carucci, Director of World Food Programm´s Resilience and Food Systems Service; Ms. Nancy Aburto, Deputy Director, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO;

Q&A session 1: 15 minutes

Moderator: Ms. Ania Grobicki, Senior Advisor at FAO

Youth Rapporteur: Rosaida Dolce, Land and Water Division, FAO


Technical Session 2: Water for Environment and Biodiversity

Presentation: Mr. James Dalton, Director of the Global Water Programme, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Panelists: Ms. Josefina Maestu, Water Advisor to the Secretary of State for the Environment of Spain; Mr. Jerker Tamelander, Director of Science and Policy, RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands; Ms. Marianne Kjellen, Senior Water Advisor, United Nations Development Programme;

Q&A session 2: 15 minutes

Moderator: Mr. Lev Neretin, Workstream Lead Environment,

FAO Youth Rapporteur: George Akoko, Land and Water Division, FAO


Lunch Break


Technical Sessions 3: Water for WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

Presentation: Mr. Robert Bos, Senior Advisor of International Water Association and Board of IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre;

Panelists:  Ms. Mariet Verhoef-Cohen, President of Women for Water Partnership;   Ms. Sophie Boisson, World Health Organization ; Ania Grobicki, Senior Advisor at FAO

Q&A session 3: 15 minutes

Moderator: Ms. Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO

Youth Rapporteur: Omar ElHassan, Land and Water Division, FAO 


Technical Session 4: Water for Economies

Presentation: Mr. Rabi Mohtar, Professor at Texas A&M University

Panelists: Ms. Akica Bahri, Advisor to the Chief of Government Tunisia; Mr. Anthony Slatyer, Water Policy & Governance Consultant, Water Policy Group; Mr. Mohamed Manssouri, Director of FAO Investment Centre; Mr. Xavier Leflaive, Principal Administrator, OECD; Eileen Burke, Global Lead for Water Resources, The World Bank;  

Q&A session 4: 15 minutes

Moderator: Mr. Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment,

FAO Youth Rapporteur: Nathalie Dubler and Maria Borrego- Marin, Land and Water Division, FAO



Summary of each technical session [by NSL Youth Group]

Concluding Remarks: Dr. Ismahane Elouafi, FAO Chief-Scientist (online)

Moderator: Mr. Lifeng Li, Director, Land and Water Division, FAO

View speaker bios here >>