Terres et eaux

Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World (TEOW)

Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World (TEOW) is a map with a bio-geographic regionalization of the Earth's terrestrial biodiversity. The bio-geographic units are eco-regions, which are defined as relatively large units of land or water containing a distinct assemblage of natural communities sharing a large majority of species, dynamics, and environmental conditions.  The map has been prepared  through compilation and correlation of existing global and regional maps, gap-filling from landform and vegetation information, followed by reclassification and validation by regional experts.

TEOW differentiates 867 terrestrial eco-regions, classified into 14 Major Habitat Types such as forests, grasslands, or deserts. Each eco-region is portrayed in detail in terms of geographical location, area description, floral and faunal biodiversity features, current conservation status, and types and severity of threats.

The TEOW map offers features that enhance its utility for conservation planning at global and regional scales: comprehensive coverage, a classification framework that builds on existing bio-geographic knowledge, and a detailed level of bio-geographic resolution. Its information can be useful for incorporating nature conservation and environmental protection aspects into land use planning.

In interpreting the map it has to be kept in mind that eco-region boundaries rarely form abrupt edges but are rather transitional, and that most eco-regions contain minority habitats that differ from their assigned biome.  

Source (link)
Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Documentation/Manuals, Maps/GIS
Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/ Province/ District
Databases/information systems
Land databases
Thematic areas
Land use/cover, Topography
User Category
Expert technique, Conseiller scientifique, Décideur, Facilitateur