Land & Water

Land Resources Planning Toolbox

This category of tools gives prominence to biophysical attributes (climate, soil, terrain, water, etc.) and their interactions in the land evaluation process. The output, in most cases, guides the users to suitable options for land use alternatives, based mainly on biophysical attributes. Land suitability and similarity analysis are typical examples. Documents describing principles, approaches and guidelines for land evaluation are included, as well as different tools for classifying soils based on the suitability for a specific use, capability or potential, fertility constraints and management and linkages to yield, productivity, physical and chemical properties. Sophisticated or simplified modelling of crop growth and yield predictions, also fall into this category.

The tools in this category use as inputs information on both biophysical characteristics  and social and economic conditions and generally incorporate principles, approaches and methods of participatory land use planning, with the overall objective of reaching mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.

The tools in this category give prominence to the characterization of social and economic settings required for land use planning and includes approaches and methods of participatory decision-making. Biophysical conditions may be considered in these tools, but not in depth.

This category includes databases that can facilitate land evaluation and land use planning by providing information that may serve as inputs for the process. These databases provide maps and data on soil and terrain characteristics, land degradation, land cover, land use, climatic data including future projections, crops and yields, food, agriculture, water resources, adaptability/suitability of identified plant species for a given environment, and socio-economic data and statistics on poverty, population, tenure and gender.

This category of tools do not produce results that have direct use for land evaluation and land use planning, but has a supporting role by providing various types of data  that can be used in land evaluation studies and as input data sets for land use planning.

Number of records: 171
A micro-region is a distinct territorial unit with clearly marked boundaries below the regional level, but above the village level, and associated network of different actors from government, local government, the private sector and civil society. Characteristics of good micro-regional planning (MRP) are: (1) it is bottom-up (initiated by the...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Land management/planning
User Category: Policy maker
The WorldPop project provides high-resolution, open-access and contemporary data on human population distributions, allowing accurate measurement of local population distributions, compositions, characteristics, growth and dynamics, across national and regional scales. WorldPop provides high-resolution gridded estimates for population, age structure, dependency ratios at continental scale for Africa, Latin America and the...
Type: Maps/GIS
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Population - distribution
User Category: Technical specialist, Modeller
WorldClim is a set of global climate layers (gridded climate data in GeoTiff format) that can be used for mapping and spatial modeling. WordlClim version 2 contains average monthly climatic gridded data for the period 1970-2000 with different spatial resolutions, from 30 seconds...
Type: Maps/GIS
Scale: Global, Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Climate
User Category: Technical specialist, Modeller
The Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management (VGSSM) were developed through an inclusive process within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP). The guidelines provide technical recommendations on how sustainable soil management can be achieved. The VGSSM are of voluntary nature and are...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: Locality/Farm/Site, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Soils - management and conservation
User Category: Policy maker, Stakeholder
The purpose of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) is to provide guidance to improve the governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests with the overarching goal of achieving food security for all. VGGT is based on the premise that the eradication of hunger and...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: National, Sub-national/Province/District, Locality/Farm/Site
Thematic areas: Land management/planning, Land/water rights
User Category: Technical specialist, Policy maker, Stakeholder
 The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) database contains global elevation data with 3 arc-second (90 m) spatial resolution.  The data are made available through the CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information (CGIAR-CSI) website in mosaiced 5 deg x 5 deg tiles in both ArcInfo ASCII
Type: Maps/GIS
Scale: Locality/Farm/Site, Watershed/Basin/Landscape
Thematic areas: Topography
User Category: Technical specialist, Modeller
The Land Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS) is a mobile phone application that helps land managers make more sustainable land management decisions.  It is largely funded by USAID and implemented by the United States Department of Agriculture. LandPKS is designed to help offset the major challenges land resource managers face in...
Type: Crowdsourcing,Data
Scale: Locality/Farm/Site
Thematic areas: Land use/cover, Soils - distribution and properties
User Category: Technical specialist, Stakeholder
IGETI provides guidelines on how to use dialogue and negotiations processes to reach a consensus on how land and natural resources are used to the greater benefit of people from different contexts and backgrounds (women, men, boys and girls). IGETI is based on FAO’s Participatory Negotiated Territorial...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: Locality/Farm/Site
Thematic areas: Social - participatory approaches
User Category: Facilitator, Stakeholder
The International Guidelines on Urban and Territorial Planning (IG-UTP) intend to constitute a global framework for improving policies, plans and designs for more compact, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities and territories that foster sustainable urban development and are resilient to climate change. The main objective of IG-UTP is...
Type: Framework/Guidelines
Scale: National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Land management/planning
User Category: Scientific advisor, Policy maker
Hortivar is FAO´s database on the performances and standard descriptions of horticultural cultivars over the world. Information can be retrieved regarding six groups of crops: fruits, vegetables, root and tuber crops, herbs and condiments, ornamentals and mushrooms. Hortivar contains a standard methodology for data collection and record keeping on the...
Type: Crowdsourcing,Data
Scale: Regional, National, Sub-national/Province/District
Thematic areas: Agriculture - productivity
User Category: Technical specialist, Stakeholder