الأراضي والمياه


تتوافر في هذا القسم المقالات الإخبارية عن عمل المنظمة في مجال الأراضي والمياه منذ أكثر من 15 عاما.


Designating new GIAHS sites | Rome, 28-29 April 2014
Over the past decade, FAO GIAHS Initiative has been piloting an innovative model for engaging communities, local and national governments in the adaptive management of agricultural heritage and conservation of system’s goods and services. It has served as learning laboratories for new ways to sustain nature’s bounty, ecosystems’ health, conservation...
Partnership for agricultural water for Africa
AgWA is an autonomous voluntary partnership that connects governments, donors, international, regional and national organizations and civil society to promote investment in Agricultural Water Management (AWM) in Africa. It generates synergies and provides multi-disciplinary technical support for improving AWM in Africa. In particular, AgWA is a cost-effective mechanism to provide...
New initiative eyes role of regional cooperation to enhance agricultural water management
20 February 2014, Rome - Water scarcity is one of the most urgent food security issues facing countries of the Near East and North Africa (NENA), with fresh water availability in the region expected to...
Strong Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) has severely affected the agriculture sector in the central Regions of the country
Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines on 8 November, affecting nine Regions across central parts of the country and causing widespread devastation, massive loss of life and severe damage to the agriculture and fisheries sector. Official partial estimates indicate that some 153 495 hectares of rice paddy, maize and other high...
Agricultural potential waiting to be unlocked – greater attention and investment needed
31 October 2013, Dakar - Sound water management holds the key to building resilience in Africa's Sahel and can free rural communities from the vicious cycle of weather-related food security crises that have plagued the region over recent years, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today at a high...
Population growth and dietary changes seem to be the main cause of the worldwide increased food demand, projected as being 60% higher by 2050. Global agriculture faces the challenges for a “sustainable intensification” in production to address food security and increasingly scarce natural resources, further aggravated by climate change.  While the importance...
Dushanbe, 20-21 August 2013
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) participated in the High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation, which was held from 21-22 August 2013 in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan. During the Conference, Mr Tony Alonzi, Acting Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia, welcomed water experts...
Need to focus on building resilience and reducing risks
8 March 2013, Geneva/Rome – Droughts cause the deaths and displacement of more people than cyclones, floods and earthquakes combined, making them the world’s most destructive natural hazard. Yet while droughts are expected to increase in frequency, area and intensity due to climate change, effective drought management policies are missing...
New FAO framework launched
27 August 2012, Stockholm/Rome - Drought in some parts of the world has hurt global grain production and contributed to food price spikes virtually every other year since 2007, highlighting the need to transform the way water is used - and wasted - throughout the entire food chain. This is one...
Meeting in Nairobi, 29-31 May
Regional water experts will gather in Nairobi 29-31 May. Some 2.5 billion people worldwide depend solely on groundwater resources to satisfy their daily needs for water and hundreds of millions of farmers rely on groundwater to sustain their livelihoods. Yet most if not all aquifers are not being sustainably managed to conserve...