Land & Water

REGISTER NOW! WASAG webinar "Collaboration on Promoting Quinoa (Part 1)", 15 June 2020, 15.00-16.00

The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG) hosted by the FAO Land and Water Division is organizing its fifth webinar on "Collaboration on Promoting Quinoa (Part 1)".

Quinoa, which has high nutrient content and adaptability to various marginal conditions has been identified by various organizations, such as FAO, the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) and CIRAD, as a food that has vital role to play in the realization of food and nutrition security globally. Subsequently, it is part of WASAG’s mandates, through a robust network of Partners to provide the enabling environment, capacity building and resources in addressing food and nutrition insecurity especially in countries facing challenges of water scarcity as well as soil and water salinity.

With the threats of climate change, it is extremely important to cultivate salt and drought tolerant crops such as quinoa to enhance climate-smart agriculture. WASAG, in collaboration with ICBA and CIRAD, is coordinating international efforts towards extended quinoa production. Through this webinar, the biodiversity of quinoa, germplasm improvement suitable for marginal environments as well as the emerging opportunities in quinoa production will be discussed.

View the programme and register here.