الأراضي والمياه

WWF9 VIRTUAL Special Session - Too small to economize, too big to compromise?

Measuring the effectiveness of finance delivery for drought management at community level - 23 March - 10:00-11:30 (CET) - 9:00-10:30 (GMT)

With a steady increase in climate finance flow from developed to developing countries, there is a growing need to rigorously measure the additionality, consistency and ultimately the impacts on final beneficiaries in real terms. Increasing the effectiveness of finance in reducing drought risks and impacts is of vital interest for both financing partners and communities. Their inherent heterogeneity and diverse needs constrain the case to harmonize the financing mechanisms and rather call for more flexible and innovative approaches. Many climate financing mechanisms have already introduced methods to assess their impacts. The approaches, records and retrieved data on the results, however, are often insufficient. A better understanding of the current situation is highly desirable, to share lessons and increase effectiveness.

Organized by FAO together with the UNCCD, this special session will contribute to the global debate on measuring the effectiveness of financing to reduce and transform drought risks from the perspective of end-users through a coherent set of discussions and presentations.



09.00 - 09.05 (GMT)

Welcoming remarks, Mr Lifeng Li, Director, Land and Water Division, FAO

09.05 - 09.10

Towards impactful investment in drought risk management, Ms Louise Baker, Managing Director, Global Mechanism, UNCCD

09.10 - 09.20

Challenging the diversity: the financing landscape of drought risk management, Mr Maher Salman, Senior Land and Water Officer, Land and Water Division, FAO

09.20 - 09.35

Fund allocation to drought risk financing: a bird view - Moderated by: Mr Daniel Tsegai, UNCCD

Panel members:

  • Ms Martina Dorigo, Adaptation Fund
  • Mr Amgad Elmahdi, Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  • Mr Ulrich Apel, Green Climate Fund (GEF)

09.35 - 09.50

Impact comes first: mainstreaming vulnerability and impact assessment in drought financing instruments, Ms Caroline King, Senior Drought Expert, The Border Institute

09.50 -10.00

The role of participatory design in investment absorption: a case study on drought risk financing in Kenya, Mr Obadiah Mungai, Chief Economist, National Environment Management Authority, Kenya

10.00 - 10.15

Drought risk financing: mechanisms geared up for action - Moderated by Ms Eva Pek, FAO

Panel members:

  • Ms Christina Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, Start Network
  • Mr Russell Dlamini, National Disaster Management Agency, Eswatini
  • Ms Nazira Lacayo, Disaster Relief Emergency Fund, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

10.15 - 10.25

Q&A session

10.25 - 10.30

Closing remarks, Ms Sasha Koo-Oshima, Deputy Director, Land and Water Division, FAO