الأراضي والمياه

New FAO Land and Water publication "Guidelines for calculation of the agriculture water use efficiency for global reporting" >>>

The new FAO publication "Guidelines for the calculation of the agriculture water use efficiency for global reporting" is now available.

These guidelines are intended to assist countries in understanding and computing the agronomic parameters involved in the calculation of the agricultural component of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicator 6.4.1 on the change in water use efficiency over time.

They provide a detailed explanation of the calculation process for countries willing to generate a more accurate estimation using their national data. 

The guidelines also provide the minimum standard method using an estimated or default value proposed by FAO, as well as a detailed explanation of the calculation process for countries that have more comprehensive and accurate data on their main crop areas and productions.

The publication will be available soon in Arabic, French Portuguese, Russian and Spanish too. 

Download the publication here >>>