الأراضي والمياه

New AQUASTAT Dissemination Platform now available!

The FAO Land and Water Division is pleased to announce the launch of the new AQUASTAT Dissemination Platform, FAO's global Information System on Water and Agriculture. The need for accurate, up-to-date information in water and agriculture is paramount for governments, international organizations, policy makers, researchers and all stakeholders involved in ensuring a sustainable water management in agriculture and the achievement of SDG 6 - Water for all. The new AQUASTAT dissemination system is designed to improve the way we access and share data and information related to water management and agriculture. 

Key features of the new AQUASTAT Dissemination System include:

  • Comprehensive data repository: The new platform hosts an extensive database of water and agricultural information with more than 180 variables and indicators by country from 1960, including SDG 6.4. target indicators on water-use efficiency and water stress.
  • Improved speed and responsiveness: The new system has undergone significant optimizations, resulting in improved speed and responsiveness. Users can now access and retrieve data faster, enhancing their overall experience and productivity on the platform.
  • User-friendly interface: We have developed an intuitive and user-friendly interface to ensure easy navigation and seamless access to the platform's features. Users can effortlessly explore different categories, search for specific topics, and find the information they need quickly. 
  • Advanced search functionality: The new system is equipped with a powerful search engine that allows users to filter and refine their search queries, enabling them to locate specific efficiently.
  • Multiple ways of visualizing the data: including new preconfigured views, grid view and pivot view. Users can also customize how they want to visualize data. 
  • Data visualization on maps: The new platform offers a unique feature that allows users to visualize data on interactive maps. This visual representation enhances the understanding of geographical patterns, trends facilitating informed decision-making.
  • Data download in Excel and CSV formats: Users have the flexibility to download data in Excel and CSV formats, enabling further analysis, integration with existing systems, and customization as per their specific needs.
  • Multilingual platform in English, French and Spanish. 
  • Upcoming additions to enhance the platform includes aggregate data for specific regions. 

To experience the new AQUASTAT platform first hand, we invite you to visit: https://data.apps.fao.org/aquastat. The platform includes a guided tour that will walk you through the various features and functionalities, ensuring you are well-equipped to utilize all the resources available.