Tierras y Aguas


FAO’s Land and Water Division organized a Technical Briefing on “Integrated Water Resources Management for Food Security and Climate Resilience” on 26 October 2022 for FAO Permanent Representatives and Missions. The aim of this meeting was to inform FAO Members about the overall role of water for sustainable development, the...
A new FAO brochure on WaPOR titled "Dimensions of Water Productivity" is now available.  It showcases four different water productivities (biophysical, economic, social and nutritional) and illustrates their usefulness and potential uses with a series of case studies. The brochure also seeks to show how remote sensing, including WaPOR data, can...
Just a few days before the FAO Rome Water Dialogue which will engage Member Countries and water experts of all sectors to discuss the interlinkages between water, sanitation, health, ecosystems, ocean, energy, food systems and nutrition, FAO celebrates World Toilet Day on 19 November. This is a great...
The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC is hosted by Egypt in Sharm el-Sheikh from 6-18 November 2022. Global food security and priority areas relevant to FAO’s mandate are high on this year's agenda. FAO is actively engaged in the climate conference, leading and...
Two new e-learning courses and publications on indicators of SDG target 6.4 have been produced in Portuguese recently to accelerate the achievement of SDG 6, to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”.  The new materials are free of charge and targeted at those who play a...
AquaCrop is a crop growth model developed by FAO's Land and Water Division to address food security and assess the effect of the environment and management on crop production. A new Version (Version 7.0) of AquaCrop is now available and can be downloaded here. The new version is available for major...
This week the FAO will be present at the 24th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage which this year follows the theme "Innovation and research in agriculture water management to achieve sustainable development goals". The congress aims to provide a platform for irrigation and drainage professionals and the broad range...