Tierras y Aguas

FAO e-learning course on level of water stress indicator - SDG 6.4.2 - now available in English, French and Spanish!

In the context of reporting on the SDG indicator 6.4.2, FAO has just launched new language versions of the e-learning course on level of water stress. It is part of a series of e-learning courses on SDG indicators.

Water stress affects countries on every continent. High water stress has many undesirable consequences, such as hindering the sustainability of natural resources and hampering economic and social development, all of which tend to disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged people.

The level of water stress indicator - SDG indicator 6.4.2 - supports decision-making processes by showing to what extent the country’s water resources are already used, as well as a possible imbalance between what a country disposes of and its withdrawal needs. It also indicates the likelihood of increasing competition and conflict between different water uses and users in a situation of growing water scarcity.

Primarily intended for those who play a role in data collection, analysis and reporting on SDG indicator 6.4.2, this new self-paced, free of charge course, available in English, French and Spanish, provides tools, methods and processes to support countries in monitoring and reporting on "Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal in percentage of available freshwater resources". It also explores interlinkages with other SDG targets and indicators. Finally, it complements the course on SDG indicator 6.4.1 “change in water-use efficiency” of the same target.

Enroll now in the English, French or Spanish course!

More information on indicators SDG6.4.1 and SDG6.4.2