Tierras y Aguas

Three things to know about Nature-based Solutions for agriculture! FAO and TNC share policy and finance pathways for healthier food systems - plus the state of the science.

Farming is one of many sectors defined by technological advancement in the twentieth century, and navigating dramatic environmental changes in the twenty-first - among them, increased uncertainty in weather patterns, water insecurity, and soil degradation. This puts farmers on the front lines: how can producers serve a growing population of consumers with twentieth-century appetites, even as the very foundation of a productive food system - healthy lands and clean water - are disappearing at alarming rates?

The answer? Let nature define the solutions for twenty-first century farming.

In three new reports, FAO and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) share the potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in agriculture to deliver nutrition for people worldwide while restoring nature and the climate - contributing to multiple imperatives of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Here are three things to know about the science, policy and finance that can help producers around the globe lead the transition to a regenerative, or nature-positive, food system. Read more...

Download the publications:

Nature-based solutions in agriculture: Sustainable management and conservation of land, water and biodiversity >>>

Nature-based solutions in agriculture: The case and pathway for adoption >>>

Nature-based solutions in agriculture: Project design for securing investment >>>