Tierras y Aguas

New FAO Water Report No 47 on the AquaCrop model. Find out more here >>>

The FAO Water Report No 47 “The AquaCrop model: enhancing crop water productivity. Ten years of development, dissemination and implementation 2009-2019” presents the State-of-the-art of the development, improvement, training, and application of AquaCrop, the FAO crop-water productivity model, 10 years after its official launch

Over the years, AcquaCrop has evolved over the different versions released since its first launch, always ensuring its valuable balance between accuracy, simplicity and robustness. This has enabled it to remain faithful to its original scope, i.e. to be a dynamic tool accessible to several types of users, mainly practitioner-type end users, in different disciplines and for a wide range of applications. In addition, AquaCrop has developed as a valuable tool by research scientists for analysis and conceptualization. 

After ten years of improvement, training and application of AquaCrop, a review and analysis of its performance and impact worldwide, including trends and challenges, have become relevant for FAO. Aware that several gaps and emerging issues remain, this assessment exercise is a first essential step towards the delineation of the future roadmap for the enhancement, dissemination and proper application of AquaCrop. 

The AquaCrop State-of-the-art report provides valuable information about the relevance of the tools and a guidance for the improvement and the new developments of the model, as well as for improving and extending its applications, always focusing on the progress of the management and productivity of the precious water resources. 

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